
Monday, April 30, 2012

Mylie's Adventure Day

I mentioned in my last post I had some fun adventures planned this weekend.
I had been trying to check out Fort Funston for the longest time.
It worked out to be the same weekend as Mylie's Birthday - so hey, let's just call it a celebration.

Fort Funston is on the south end of San Francisco, along the bluffs above the Pacific.
It is incredibly beautiful.

Sandy Dunes.
Ice Plant for Days.

This weekend in April it was bright green, spattered with bright fuchsia blooms.

Fort Funston is a huge off leash dog area.
With temperatures about to hit the mid seventies on a sunny Saturday, there were dogs EVERYWHERE.
Random black labs running around the parking lot, with no owners seeming to claim them?
Uh, okay.

Anyway, my sister and I took Mylie out towards the trails.
I had high hopes.
But, after a couple of rough aggressive dogs at the dog park, Mylie can be a bit skittish with other dogs.
On leashes, controlled by both owners, meeting is usually good.
But if she feels surprised or cornered, I get nervous for her reaction.

So, while we headed out, we eventually found a tiny patch of sand and ice plant where she could roam, or  scamper in her case, around freely.

But her independence didn't last long as a bunch of other dogs - I'm talking a TON, were all over.
So we headed back to the car for the next part of our adventure.

As awesome as Fort Funston is, on a crazy busy Saturday, it's just not for her.
For a super social and active pup, it is a dream.
Maybe we'll get back there on a weekday when it is less hectic.
I'd love to give it another go.

Off to our next stop, Fort Miley.
Mylie's namesake Fort, almost.

See how regal she is sitting next to the sign?

I need to start off saying,
We will be back.

One day hanging with my family a few months ago, we happened upon it.
I had never even heard of it, but on our way to the Legion of Honor, I saw the sign,
and of course made my dad make a u-turn.
I had been dying to bring the Smiley dog back.

It has some of the most beautiful views of the Pacific and the Golden Gate.
We parked, descended the stairs to the trail, and headed east - towards the bay.

Totally dog friendly, and rumored to have an off leash dog area (though I didn't seem to find it, but I wasn't really looking), it was a bright trail, with some lush greenery along the way.

Laura and I found an awesome shady staircase where we could hear the crashing of the waves down the we took them, not exactly sure what we'd find.


As the trees opened up, we found this:

Super awesome semi-secret beach.
Rocky, not necessarily a swimmy beach, but the waves were crashing and the ocean was spraying.

Tons of mussels in shells between the rocks.

I wanted to stay there forever.
So did Smiles.
She found a comfy place to sit.
Schnoodle on the rocks.

We climbed back up the bluff, on a different trail, more rocky, and found a cool rock maze as well.
And some spiritual enlightenment.

We turned around and headed back - mission complete.
Adventurous success.

And it was time to refuel.
Thank goodness for the iPhone.
And the Google.
"Dog friendly restaurants in San Francisco"
And my sister doing said googling, because I imagine there were quite a few results.
BUT, she discovered the Park Chalet, the sister restaurant to the Beach Chalet had outdoor dog friendly seating!

And was right nearby.
An already awesome day, just got even more awesome.
Is that even possible?

Mylie and I secured some lounge chairs while Laura ordered us some lunch.

Mylie got to feel like a big deal out and about with the rest of the city dogs in Golden Gate Park.

We all went home a little sweaty and a lot happy.
I love me some dreary, rainy weather, but when it comes to adventures, warm California sunshine is where it's at.

As far as adventures go, this one goes down in the books as a perfect 10.

Linking up over here for the first time: 
bits of splendor monday

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hi Friends,
The blogging has been pretty erratic around here - BUT, I did get THREE whole posts up this week!
I also haven't posted an InstaFriday in quite sometime - so I have a few scattered pics to share with you all!
Basically, if you follow me on InstaGram this whole blog is turning into an Insta-Replay.
Sorry about that.

I will bust out the big girl camera this weekend.
I promise.
There is some crazy family activity taking place tomorrow - I'm going to have to bring back a full report.
Let's put it this way, my mom is the instigator.

But for now, a little life catch up for those of you who do not InstaGram, or those of you who do and just can't get enough CuppaKim action (which basically should be all of you, right?!)

A few weeks back Hannah (one of my most favorite internet friends turned real life friends) sent me this most perfect necklace. It came at just the right time, with just the right words of encouragement. It is from another favorite blogger's adorable shop! (Check it out!)

Some dear friends had a sweet little girl.
She kinda loves me.
As you can tell by her bright eyes and cute pucker!

She even took a little snooze with me.
It doesn't get much better than that.

One Friday night I was visiting Dave & Jessica, and their own Jurassic Park.

Oh, we all love Dollar Tree Grandma Gifts don't we?
Funny story, the Easter basket my sister received - had a stuffed animal that I'm pretty sure was mine 25 years ago, and my grandma found in the playroom at her house.
The tag had a 1980's copyright on it, and I have some vague memories of it.
Classic. For sure.
 Mylie is all recovered from surgery.
Check out how adorable she is first thing in the morning.
She even has sleepy eyes like I usually do.

 Elsie pup came back for a visit, she is twice the size she was the last time she was here.

And twice as cute.

Last week the Sharks were in the Stanley Cup playoffs.
This week, notsomuch.
 They didn't even score.
Until the last two minutes of game.
It's safe to say the most exciting part was an arena hot dog.

It seemed like it was going to be super exciting.
Oh well, 2013 or bust.
 There haven't been too many sky parties around these parts lately.
Perhaps it's just due to my timing.
As the days get longer, the parties happen later.
I'm usually at the gym or inside playing draw something when the sun goes down.
However, the other day on my lunch break, the clouds were incredible.
Quite possibly the most beautiful sky I have ever seen.

And last night I got to hang out with these two.
We share an affinity for Apple products.

That just about catches us up.
I am off to a new San Francisco adventure this morning,
I have high expectations, hopefully it won't be disappointing.

Will report back.
Eventually. Linking up with Jeannett:
  life rearranged

Friday, April 27, 2012

Texts from My Mother: The Nutella Conspiracy

The other day, I randomly got this text from my mom....

And if you've been around here for any length of time, you know that random texts from my mom are not that surprising.

That weird symbol instead of a 0 in the 20 - that is my mom's signature symbol.
She doesn't know how to make a 0 on her phone, but it's cool, cause then I know that she really is texting me and it's not some weird old school flip phone hacker.

In fact, my sister got the exact same text...and made sure to post to Instagram.

I stop by my parents' house on my lunch break most days.
Yesterday when I arrived, no one was home (except Mylie of course), and this was sitting on the kitchen table waiting for me.

My mom loves a good class action.
Actually, thanks to her I've received several hundred bucks over the years from miscellaneous class action suits.

In this case it basically says Nutella claimed it was a healthy item - and we all know that low cal nutella exists in the same world as unicorns and rainbows.

I am defintely not plotting to take down Nutella, but if they want to pay me for eating their insanely high calorie deliciousness, I may as well jump on board.
So, who is with me?
Are we filing?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

You Say it's Your Birthday, It's My(lie's) Birthday Too!

Today everybody's favorite Schnoodle turns 7 years old!
We had a quick party hat event on my lunch break to celebrate.

We also did a quick MylieCam where she showed off all of the tricks she has learned in her 7 years of life!
She is pretty much super ultra mega talented.
The girl can fist bump. 
She is available for parties, films, bar mitzvahs.
Her rider contract does stipulate endless shredded wheat be made available at all times.

And as a reference, she is amazing on camera, 
posing for still shots require a bit of seen here. 

Mylie says thanks to everybody for being her biggest fan over the years, 
she will be available for autographs this weekend. 

Have your people call her people.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Oh, Hello Little Blog.

Hello, little blog
that I only seem to post on on Mondays.

Hello, new blogger format which makes me want to not think about blogging. 

Hello, another super fun weekend on the books that I want to share so I'm sucking it up and dealing.
Hello super long post ahead:

Hello, Friday lunch break. 
Hello, eighty degrees, lunch on the lawn, with my favorite pup.

 Hello, Friday night at home, bake-a-palooza.

Hello, taste-testing a mini Kahlua cake.
Not my best.

Hello, 5:30am wake up on a Saturday.
Hello Starbucks.
Hello, Garage Sale/Bake Sale fundraiser to send Pastor Dave & Jon to the Sudan.

Hello, sudden customer influx.

 Hello, garage sale assistant.  

 Hello, Swag-a-thon 2012.
Hello, Hope Decals being slapped on everything.
Including folding tables.

 Hello, best lemonade stand in town.
Seriously, SUPER delish.

Hello, Peepers chugging all the product.

Hello, happypotomous.
Hello, hand smushed in a cupcake two seconds later.

 Hello, naptime.

From both of us. 

Goodbye, unsold items.
Goodbye, hipster table.
Goodbye, super cool pineapple lamp, why did no one want you?

Hello, three stores for watermelon on the hottest day in April.
Hello, five dollar mini watermelon.

Hello, Sunday AM, Pastor found having a triple Mac Party. 

Hello, not having to tell the kids "no sweets til after church" because someone is doing it for me.

 Including physically restraining them.

Hello, Sunday birthday lunch with Grandma.

Hello, chilly beach wog with sister.
Down and back.
Down and back.

Hello, hijacked seashell

Hello, two amazing weekends in a row.
Hello, being excited for a third.
Hello, can it be weekend again ASAP?!?