
Friday, October 7, 2011

Insta Friday: Scarf Week!!!

Sometimes I think I blab too much on my Insta Friday posts...
so trying a new trick to keep it a bit simpler this week, ENJOY!

And that's my week.
From my iPhone's perspective at least.

Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged:
life rearranged


  1. I like the new style, gets your message across clearly.

  2. Just realized you have a new banner!! Love It! :) Also, how much better quality are our instas gonna be come next Friday?! #teamiphone4S

  3. you are too funny. I loved all of your scarves. I wish I didn't fuss with them so much! Also long hair gets in the way more than ever before!

    P.S your new banner is adorbs.

  4. We've went from Winter to Summer within one week here and I've yet to sport my new scarf! It's handmade with bamboo yarn.

    I like your new banner.Especially the mug shelf!

  5. love the scarves!
    you where theme well!
    thanks for sharing.

  6. No. Way. I just got back from my friendly neighborhood AT&T store and guess what I ordered? Yep. The very one in your picture. I chose to order it and have it sent to my house in 2 weeks because camping out next Thursday night to get it Friday just doesn't appeal to me. I'm too cute to camp, you see. ;) So anyway - I had to point out yet another twins-separated-at-birth similarity. It's no longer eerie, by the way. Now it's just awesome. :) I hope all your iDreams come next Friday!!

  7. Also? I'm INSANELY jealous that you have scarf weather and I don't. :p.....

  8. Tuesday and Wednesday are my favs for the scarf week!

    You're so cute!

  9. Loved the scarf week. Also, the new header rocks!!!

  10. Loving all of your scarves. 9 days until NIKE!!!! :)

  11. i am wearing a scarf while commenting (that should be a requirement).

    popcorn is good anytime.

    is sprinkles a local doughnut/donut place??
    what is the correct spelling for donut?

    i need to go there (in a scarf of course).

  12. Hey Lady!!! How are ya long time no talk. I am so thankful that we had scarf worthy weather in ca this week. Your week looks like tons of fun as always.

  13. Love your new header. Cute scarfs - you wear them well.

  14. I like your scarves! I'm definitely a scarf gal. :)

  15. LOVE this little layout. super creative. scarf montage = my fave.
