How is everyone?
It's already
Wednesday Saturday, and I haven't been able to recap my latest weekending. However, the good news is my weekend ended
yesterday Tuesday. The bad news is my weekend ended
yesterday Tuesday. (Edit: I started this blog on Wednesday, and am finishing it on Saturday, oops!)
Let's just start off by saying, I'd been looking forward to this past weekend for MONTHS.
A while back
Katy invited me to come visit, and that visit parlayed into a quick trip down to the land of all things Mickey and Mouse.
I'd been looking forward to it so much, I had a countdown rolling on an app on my phone.
Sometimes when I look forward to things so much, I come back disappointed.
With my visit with Katy, this was not the case. Not even close.
Instead, I wish I was still rolling shotgun by her side. Holding her sweet kiddo's squishy hands and watching some Curious George with a cup of coffee and a pumpkin muffin loaded with pumpkin butter.
Doing life. That's what Katy and I did.
Well, except for the quick visit to Sleeping Beauty's castle.
Still doing life, just the really magical kind.
I left town early on Saturday AM, surprisingly containing my packing to one suitcase and one backpack.
I grabbed a grande Blonde Roast, 2 pumps of sugar free vanilla, and started cruising down to the middle of the Golden State.
Ahead of time, Katy had sent me the most awesome infinity scarf from our cute friend
Cory's awesome shop. Temps were scheduled to be in the 80's all weekend, so it was now or never to keep my neck warm.
(Thankfully, back at home things are nice and cool, and that scarf will be reappearing soon).
About a half hour into my ride, I rolled up next to this orange blob. Which, to an untrained eye, would just be an orange blob. But, it actually was one of the contenders from last week's World Pumpkin Championship! A lot of the pumps come from Gilroy, so I have a feeling that is where he was headed. To be pulverized and deseeded (I'm making that word up) to become a happy pumpkin dad to maybe the 2014 pumpkin champion.
A few repeats of The Civil Wars, The Rend Collective, and a really awesome sermon later, I arrived at katygirl's kingdom. There were some excited squeals from young and old, and before I knew it we were back out the door on our way to the Diz.
But not without a quick stop into Oh, Hello Friend.
So cute.
I got a couple of things I had been wanting, and happened upon the most awesome Give Thanks sign - which just so happened to be made by a friend of mine! (I didn't even know until I turned it over).
After that, we were on our way.
Katygirl found us a sweet little place to stay, complete with a Starbucks on site.
Well done, Katygirl, well done.
We checked in and headed out to D-town Diz.
The sights, sounds, and smells. All magical.
We grabbed dinner and a drink. And ate some magical chips and salsa.
Walked around for a bit. I probably stood in front of the caramel apple window for a bit too long.
I am obsessed with how they are made. They are just so cute. I just want to bite a marshmallow ear off of a Minnie apple and run away.
And we perused the shops. And navigated the Saturday night crowds.
Then headed back to our kingdom for the night and slept under the watchful eye of this carousel horse.
First thing in the morning we were bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for a full day of mousing around.
And mouse around, we did.
Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Indy.
Matterhorn, Alice, Buzz, Space Mountain.
Katy takes Buzz pretty seriously.
I, on the other hand, look like I saw an alien.
We explored the Halloween Tree (which is the coolest, BTW), and checked out the day of the dead exhibit.
And grabbed lunch while some one shot some commercial or music video in front of us.
No clue who though.
And after that we decided to Adventure. California Style.
We swung, we screamed, we soared, we were terrified.
And not the way you'd think.
I dragged Katy on Mickey's Adventure Wheel, where she was terrified.
And then we went on the Symphony Swings, where I thought I was going to die for a full 30 seconds.
And after we adventured our heart out, we returned to the land of Diz.
Where we dined solely on Mickey shaped cuisine.
And as the Diz transitioned from day to night, the castle glowed in the background.
And we returned to the ever awesome Halloween Tree.
Where jack-o-lanterns grow, and twinkle lights glow.
And ate the ears off our Mickey ice creams. First.
Because that's how it's done.
And reflected on a beautiful day hanging out with one of my favorite people at the Magic Kingdom.
That night, we drove back to the katykingdom, and I got to sleep in this beaut of a bed.
And woke up to this beaut of a babe.
And enjoyed coffee with the sweetest critters in all the land.
And got to see a little behind the scenes of @katykristin's #mondaychalks
A few errands.
Katy, you are my hero.
Where often times, I'm on the otherside of that computer screen, this time, I got to be right there in the flesh.
And after naps, Katy and I, and the critters headed to the park.
And this neighborhood creature of death came to meet and greet me.
And then the kiddos got baths.
And I got a little evening snuggle in with my good buddy Miles.
One of my favorite moments of the day.
And who needs bed head when you have bath head.
OMG. Right?
And soon it was bedtime, and Katy and I enjoyed a little bit of Catfish.
Okay, a lot bit of Catfish.
I woke up to news of Kimye's engagement, and pumpkin muffins. And coffee.
And a quick hug and hello to Lorieloo & two of her three littles.
Followed by some errands/entertaining Cammie.
And then soon, way, way too soon, it was time to say goodbye.
Thank goodness for rearview mirrors and big waving hands.
And a heart full of love and sunshine.
Thank you Katygirl (& Scottyboy too), you are truly the hostess with the mostess.
Thank you for the incredible day at the Diz, and the even more special days with you and your posse.
You are a rockstar mom, and I admire your love for your husband and kidlets, and the passion you have for all you do. You are gentle, and patient and kind. You are thoughtful. You love big.
And most importantly, you live out the gospel daily, in so, so many ways.