
Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hi Friends,
The blogging has been pretty erratic around here - BUT, I did get THREE whole posts up this week!
I also haven't posted an InstaFriday in quite sometime - so I have a few scattered pics to share with you all!
Basically, if you follow me on InstaGram this whole blog is turning into an Insta-Replay.
Sorry about that.

I will bust out the big girl camera this weekend.
I promise.
There is some crazy family activity taking place tomorrow - I'm going to have to bring back a full report.
Let's put it this way, my mom is the instigator.

But for now, a little life catch up for those of you who do not InstaGram, or those of you who do and just can't get enough CuppaKim action (which basically should be all of you, right?!)

A few weeks back Hannah (one of my most favorite internet friends turned real life friends) sent me this most perfect necklace. It came at just the right time, with just the right words of encouragement. It is from another favorite blogger's adorable shop! (Check it out!)

Some dear friends had a sweet little girl.
She kinda loves me.
As you can tell by her bright eyes and cute pucker!

She even took a little snooze with me.
It doesn't get much better than that.

One Friday night I was visiting Dave & Jessica, and their own Jurassic Park.

Oh, we all love Dollar Tree Grandma Gifts don't we?
Funny story, the Easter basket my sister received - had a stuffed animal that I'm pretty sure was mine 25 years ago, and my grandma found in the playroom at her house.
The tag had a 1980's copyright on it, and I have some vague memories of it.
Classic. For sure.
 Mylie is all recovered from surgery.
Check out how adorable she is first thing in the morning.
She even has sleepy eyes like I usually do.

 Elsie pup came back for a visit, she is twice the size she was the last time she was here.

And twice as cute.

Last week the Sharks were in the Stanley Cup playoffs.
This week, notsomuch.
 They didn't even score.
Until the last two minutes of game.
It's safe to say the most exciting part was an arena hot dog.

It seemed like it was going to be super exciting.
Oh well, 2013 or bust.
 There haven't been too many sky parties around these parts lately.
Perhaps it's just due to my timing.
As the days get longer, the parties happen later.
I'm usually at the gym or inside playing draw something when the sun goes down.
However, the other day on my lunch break, the clouds were incredible.
Quite possibly the most beautiful sky I have ever seen.

And last night I got to hang out with these two.
We share an affinity for Apple products.

That just about catches us up.
I am off to a new San Francisco adventure this morning,
I have high expectations, hopefully it won't be disappointing.

Will report back.
Eventually. Linking up with Jeannett:
  life rearranged


  1. i love you. i even like you a lot too. and i adore stephanie and her sweet shop!
    pretty sure i need jurassic park in my life.
    that elsie dog is the sweetest! i mean, second to miley #duh
    ok. the easter stuffed toy story made me snort out loud. LOVE.

  2. Omgosh. The Jurassic park. I need to visit it.

    Bomb sky. Love how God gives us gifts like that.

    Love your necklace too. And you.

  3. I have the coffee cup necklace from Stephanie too! Love it!

  4. You're a hockey fan?? My husband is a hockey fanatic... he's a forever Ducks fan though. :) The dinosaurs made me laugh out loud!!! :)
