
Monday, January 30, 2012

Hello, Houston, you've got problems.

Big problems.

United Airlines, the artist formerly known as Continental, PROBLEMS.

Serious, first world, delayed flight, computer technical difficulties, miss your connection, whine about it for 15 hours, and eat your way through George Bush airport, problems.

United we standby.

Hello, 5:45am schnuttle service.

Hello, Houston airport standby line.
Hello, food voucher.
Hello, lunch on the airline.

Hello, only corner of the gate with outlets.
Hello, bay area girls needing iPhone recharging sitting in said corner with water storage.

Hello, standby line take two.
Hello, not getting on the flight.
Hello, crazy orange Texas sky.

Hello, second set of food vouchers.
Hello, Blue Bell ice cream.
(two scoops, because the lady thought I said "I'd like a scoop of cookies & cream, when I said, "I'd like a scoop of ice cream").
Hello, only charged for one.

Hello, crazy amount of boarding passes, food vouchers, and luggage claim tickets.

Hello, juicing up the iPhones again.

Hello, last flight of the night.
Goodbye, Houston!



Hello, amazing weekend full of crafts, fun finds, food and new friends.

Now that I got that whiny, venty,  complainy stuff out there, I am so excited to tell you all about the fun that was had at Craft Weekend.

It was a good one.


Linking up with Lisa Leonard who gifted us Craft Weekenders with some swagalicious goodies ;)
Thanks so much Lisa!!! <3


  1. You make me laugh.
    The artist formerly known as...
    Dying. Of. Laughter.
    Not crying this time, though. ;)

    Yay for Lisa Leonard!

  2. what an adventure you had together. thankfully it was together, huh!?!

    looking forward to living vicariously through you as i read about the rest of your craft weekend time.

  3. You made the schnuttle wake up before the sun?! My schnuttle doesn't operate that early. You have one with great customer service I guess! ;-)

    I am DYING to hear all about the craft weekend, although I hate that you went to so much work to get there! At least you got free food out of it.

    That KS firearm sign is hysterical!

  4. Hello, hello. Did you make me any doilies?

  5. You tricky trickster! I was hoping for a marathon post about your whole weekend not just the drama of getting there! I guess I'll just have to come back later, eh?

  6. all of get to Kansas?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know I know...crafting with Meg....
    worth it.
    I myself have made my way to Kansas to see her.
    She has put Kansas on the map :-)

    Otherwise? That would have all really sucked!

    glad it was a safe flight, at least

  7. Your trip TO Kansas sounds like my trip FROM Kansas.
    I spent some major quality time in that teeny Wichita airport.
    United / Continental is not awesome.
    Not one bit.
    And I didn't get free food - what's up with that?!

    I can't wait to hear about your weekend!!
    I know it was the bomb.
