
Saturday, January 14, 2012

InstaSaturday: Red & Gold Edition

Happy Saturday.
Sittin on my couch.
Sippin on some joe.
So I can have two cups.
And not get the jitters.
(But I still totally will).
A sippy full of ice water.
My football team in the playoffs for the first time in almost a decade.
(I was a child of the 80's and my team was the team of THAT decade).
I was born in a Championship year, after all.
The season started a few days after I was born, and they went on to serious victory.
My grandma always loves to tell that story, she always called me a 49er baby.
Weird? Maybe.
I've got a few errands to run.
And then a game to watch.
Let's do this boys.

In the mean time, a few goings on of the last few weeks....

I went back to work...and brought a box of these with me.
So far I've only had to have two.
That is a good thing.

When we're in church, our cars have a little party in the parking lot.
 They enjoy the sunshine.

I got some incredible gifts for Christmas from my friends.
This was utterly perfect.
Don't you agree?

I'm not spending this Saturday AM at my official happy place.
But a few weeks ago I did.
Best way to start a weekend, for sure.

Oh the sky.
It sure knows how to party.

This one was none other than indescribable.
The clouds were high.
The light was low.
And looked like flames reaching to the clouds.
Sky literally was on fire.
Every single local insta buddy caught a shot of it.
Mine wasn't the best.
But this was definitely the best sky party I have ever seen.

This girl cracks me up.
I love her little frog dog legs.
None of my other dogs ever did this.
She has done it since she was a pup.
True relaxation right there.

Birthday celebrations continue for my favorite girl Cindy.
She had about a million this year.
And deserves a million and one.

She also let me try on her Forever Lazy.
I'm getting one.
Please stay tuned.
I also bought another As Seen on TV product.
But I don't know if I'm ready to admit it to you just yet.
(For the record, I already have a Snuggie. Zebra print. Obvs.)

Another amazing gift.
This one is from Margaret.
She got her crafty on.
And it turned out so super cool.
I stare at it and get lost.

I mentioned that I was slightly sick this week.
Still have a bit of a lingering cough.
But things are way better today.
Mama came over and hung out with me last Sunday, with a Slurpee in tow.
We watched the Canals of Venice on Netflix.
Kind of interesting actually.

Also, participating in #JanPhotoADay.
I think I'm gonna save and post those later!

Enjoy your Saturday.
And Red & Gold Forever!!

<3 <3 <3
Linking up with Jeannett:
life rearranged


  1. happy weekend!
    can't wait to hear more about your as seen on tv products.

  2. Happy Saturday, friend! love that thing that Margaret made, it is so creative!

  3. you are always a cuppa-awesome! sick or not sick, visiting here cheers me up. question-do you wear your snuggie to tail gating parties?

  4. I was born right before our Teams Big year too! Well one of them. After all we DO have 6!!!! ;)

    Good Luck! If they make it I will root for them since TT and those guys beat us last week.

  5. forever lazy is forever crazy... yes i totally just laughed at myself saying that

  6. 1. Love the lollipops.
    2. Good job miners! But I'm still kinda sad.
    3. I saw a lady buying pajama jeans today. True story.

  7. yeah niners!! i am rooting for them now that the broncos are out of it. i hope they take it all.

    the forever lazy... is it cozy?
